What to do if a bear attacks me while I'm jogging?

The sun casts its morning light on the green and stony Verzasca Valley and the air is cool and clear. I jog lightly along the road. It's slightly uphill and I feel motivated for the day. While jogging, I often manage to get my thoughts in order.

The day before, I read in the news that bears have been sighted again in the northern Italian Alps. I'm not in the northern Italian Alps, but I still look around carefully and scan the surroundings for any bears or other animals.

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Caroline Tanja Banz
Neck Massage

Many of us are masters in giving, being there for others and doing everything possible to ensure that our loved ones and our community are well. Then we are also doing well.

Every now and then, we passionate givers realize that we also want or even need things for ourselves. Things that would do us good and "nourish" us. But often it doesn't seem so easy to actually put these needs into words.

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Caroline Tanja Banz
I married myself

Yes, you have read correctly. I married myself. I'm standing here on a cab boat, on the Rhine in Basel. In Basel, the city of my birth.

The idea came up in 2021 during a sauna session. A couple loves each other, gets married and promises each other eternal fidelity, care and love. There's actually a lot to be said for giving yourself these beautiful things in life. Don't you think so? For me, this "self-marriage" was a making peace with the past and a promise for the now and the future.

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Caroline Tanja Banz
Trust yourself and love

I have just received a few documents from Autismus Schweiz on the subject of autism. The brochures are well and clearly designed and contain a lot of valuable information for parents and caregivers. Of course, I already know these because my own son is on the spectrum. Today he is 16 years old. I remember when my son was little and we sensed then that something was wrong.

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Caroline Tanja Banz
How do I like the chutney?

Recently my boyfriend asked me over a cozy brunch how I would like the taste of the new chutney that I had recently bought and was now on the table.
My old self would very likely have simply said "good" or asked a counter-question to first find out what the other person at the table thinks about the product. What is the correct answer? What sounds good?

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Caroline Tanja Banz2020
Love on the spectrum

Maybe some of you have seen the Netflix series "Love in the Spectrum". It is an Australian reality show in which young people with autism are helped in their search for a partner. The show has been criticized by some as "it is an exhibition", while others have praised it highly for demonstrating that autistic people - just like non-autistic people - also have the need for love and good relationships.

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Annelie Rubingh