Trust yourself and love

I have just received a few documents from Autismus Schweiz on the subject of autism. The brochures are well and clearly designed and contain a lot of valuable information for parents and caregivers. Of course, I already know these because my own son is on the spectrum. Today he is 16 years old. I remember when my son was little and we sensed then that something was wrong.

What I realize again is that it is so important to trust your own gut.If you feel something is wrong with your child, you should pull out all the stops and get your child checked out by the doctors. But be careful. It can be easy to be put off, even by a pediatrician. If we had listened to the pediatrician at that time, my son would not have come so quickly to the therapies that are especially important for autism. After all, you want to give your child a chance to learn as much as possible. Children have the right to a chance. As a parent, you also want to understand your child and show him that you are there. You want to show your child that you accept them as they are and at the same time do everything you can to help them.

Yes, it hurts when you receive such a diagnosis for your child. You have to digest that first. The love for one's child makes mothers and fathers become lionesses and lions. Why us? This is a question I have often asked myself. Today I know how important it is to accept and realize that we can all grow together. Mastering difficult situations can be extremely draining and cost energy.You're constantly looking for solutions.  And it doesn't just stop. You're a mother, a therapist, a patient listener, a coach, and yes, sometimes a lioness. And yet you can always rejoice in small steps and small successes. And you can always tell yourself (and believe) that you are doing well!

I would like to encourage all parents of autistic children. Trust your feelings, your love and do something good for yourself every now and then, where you can recharge your batteries. Give yourself a hug - you are the best parents for your children!

Caroline Tanja Banz

Caroline Tanja Banz