
We are all social beings having our unique personality. Do you want to grow as an individual while better understanding others?


What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a comprehensive personality system and has great potential. It can be a door opener for a journey that can lead us to our true self. When we learn who we are and realize that others see the world through different eyes, then we hold a great key in our hands. The Enneagram can help us to find this key.

In 2019, I discovered my love for the Enneagram and in July 2020, I graduated as an ILS Enneagram Coach. I am still studying the Enneagram as there is so much to discover in every human being. Once we know your own Enneagram type, the journey only begins. Awareness about our strengths and weaknesses enables us to discover our own growth path.


“In essence, every person is perfect, fearless, and in a loving unity with the entire cosmos; there is no conflict within the person between head, heart, and stomach or between the person and others.”

- Oscar Ichazo, enneagram developer


I - Everything starts with myself

Enneagram Personal Typing, Coaching & Growth path

Would you also like to find out what Enneagram type you are and learn about what that means for you?

The Enneagram helps you to understand why you react the way you do. This helps you to be more accepting and at peace with yourself.

When you understand yourself better, you can start to let go of things that don't belong to you. Do you want to get to know your true self? In the typing interview I can support you in finding your true self.

Further coaching can help you to become the best version of yourself. To do this, we delve further into the Enneagram, which also serves as a growth map.

And in the process, I can help you grow and let go of things that get in the way of your personal development.

When you learn the Enneagram, you automatically open a door to more empathy. When you understand that others perceive the world through different lenses, more acceptance and therefore better relationships can arise.

Duration: 90 min. and 60 minutes follow-up typing session
Language: English or German
Meeting via Zoom or in person
Package fee on request

If you book a Be your true self Coaching at the same time as the typing, the typing is free of charge for you.

You - Myself in relationships

Couple Coaching with the Enneagram

Would you like to understand each other better? The Enneagram can be a useful toolbox for couples.

In a relationship, each Enneagram type combination has different dynamics. 

Understanding those dynamics can go a long way in strengthening our relationships. Mutual understanding, love and magic can grow.

In this couple coaching you will learn to understand each other better and to respond better to each other. We work with the Enneagram as well as with other tools (e.g. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz).

Loving each other means accepting each other as you are, without conditions.

Language: English or German
Meeting via Zoom or in person
Package fee on request

If you book a Couple Coaching at the same time as the typing, the typing is free of charge for you both.

We - From relationships to teams

The Modules 
for Leadership & Teambuilding

​How about an Enneagram workshop for your team?

The Enneagram is a great door opener for a journey that can lead us to our true self and that creates awareness also for other perspectives.

Raising Awareness with the Enneagram
Your team begins the journey with an introductory workshop. This workshop is primarily intended to help your team gain more awareness about themselves, it will also help them to broaden their perspective about other people and to give them basic knowledge and understanding of the Enneagram.

Follow-up modules:
Communication and Conflict & Enneagram
Constructive Feedback & Enneagram
The Four Agreements (by D.M. Ruiz)
Leadership & Enneagram
Teambuilding & Enneagram

I look forward to working with you.

Language: English or German
Meeting via Zoom or in person

The most common applications and key benefits of the Enneagram in Organizations:

The Enneagram in Organizations - Global Survey 2022
